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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - shame


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Перевод с английского языка shame на русский

1. стыд a sense of shame —- чувство (ощущение) стыда to one's shame —- к своему стыду to feel shame at smth. —- стыдиться чего-л. he felt shame at having told a lie —- ему было стыдно, что он солгал to have no shame, to be without shame —- не испытывать стыда. быть бесстыдным to be past (dead to, lost to) shame —- потерять (всякий) стыд to bring (to put) to shame —- пристыдить, посрамить her performance brings to shame even a professional singer —- ее исполнение может посрамить даже профессиональную певицу he could not refuse for very shame —- он не мог отказаться от чувства неловкости (стыда) he hung his head in shame —- он сконфуженно опустил голову 2. позор to be a shame to one's parents —- быть позором для своих родителей to bring shame on (to,upon) one's family —- опозорить свою семью to bring shame on (to,upon) oneself —- опозориться to bring to shame —- (о)позорить, (о)бесчестить shame!, shame on you!, for shame! —- разг. стыдно!, как вам не стыдно!, стыд и срам! why, shame upon you, man! —- послушайте, как вам не стыдно? howling shame —- позор, стыд и срам a child of shame —- незаконнорожденный ребенок a shame and a disgrace to civilization —- стыд и позор для цивилизации 3. (a shame) разг. обида, жалость, досада what a shame! —- обидно!, жаль!; какое безобразие! what a shame that... —- как обидно (досадно), что... what a shame to deceive you in that way —- какое безобразие вас так обманывать it is a shame to laugh at him —- нехорошо над ним смеяться 4. стыдить; пристыдить to shame smb. (in front of (before) smb.) —- стыдить кого-л. (в чьем-л. присутствии) his kindness shamed me —- я был пристыжен его добротой 5. посрамить he shamed me by knowing more about... —- он посрамил меня более обширными знаниями по... 6. (into, out of) пристыдить и заставить сделать что-л.; сконфузить и заставить сделать что-л.; сконфузить и заставить отказаться от чего-л. to shame smb. into smth. (into doing smth.) —- пристыдить кого-л. и заставить сделать что-л. he shamed me into apologizing —- он пристыдил меня, и я извинился to shame smb. out of smth. (out of doing smth.) —- пристыдить кого-л. и заставить отказаться от чего-л. (не делать чего-л.) he was shamed out of his prejudice —- его пристыдили и он отказался от своего предубеждения 7. позорить, срамить to shame one's family —- опозорить свою семью to shame oneself —- опозориться, осрамиться
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См. в других словарях

  into пристыдить и заставить сделать (что-л.) It did not take long to shame the boy into a change of behaviour. SHAME on you! как вам не стыдно! SHAME out of пристыдить и заставить отказаться (от чего-л.) How can we shame the boy out of such unacceptable behaviour? SHAME  1. noun  1) стыд; to think shame to do smth. - постыдиться сделать что-л. - shame! - for shame! - fie - for shame! - shame on you!  2) позор; to put to shame - посрамить; to bring to shame - опозорить; to bring shame to/on/upon smb. - покрыть позором кого-л.  3) досада; неприятность; it is a shame he is so clumsy - жаль, что он так неловок; what a shame you cant come earlier - какая досада, что вы не можете прийти пораньше Syn: see embarrassment  2. v.  1) стыдить; пристыдить; to shame a man into apologizing - пристыдить человека и заставить его извиниться  2) срамить; позорить - shame into - shame out of to tell/say the truth and shame the devil - сказать всю правду Syn: abash, discomfit, embarrass, mortify, rattle Ant: encourage, uphold ...
Англо-русский словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a feeling of distress or humiliation caused by consciousness of the guilt or folly of oneself or an associate. 2 a capacity for experiencing this feeling, esp. as imposing a restraint on behaviour (has no sense of shame). 3 a state of disgrace, discredit, or intense regret. 4 a a person or thing that brings disgrace etc. b a thing or action that is wrong or regrettable. --v.tr. 1 bring shame on; make ashamed; put to shame. 2 (foll. by into, out of) force by shame (was shamed into confessing). Phrases and idioms for shame! a reproof to a person for not showing shame. put to shame disgrace or humiliate by revealing superior qualities etc. shame on you! you should be ashamed. what a shame! how unfortunate! Etymology: OE sc(e)amu ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English scamu; akin to Old High German scama ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety  b. the susceptibility to such emotion have you no ~?  2. a condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute ; ignominy the ~ of being arrested  3.  a. something that brings censure or reproach; also something to be regretted ; pity it's a ~ you can't go  b. a cause of feeling ~  II. transitive verb  (~d; shaming)  Date: 13th century  1. to bring ~ to ; disgrace ~d the family name  2. to put to ~ by outdoing  3. to cause to feel ~  4. to force by causing to feel guilty ~d into confessing ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (shames, shaming, shamed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Shame is an uncomfortable feeling that you get when you have done something wrong or embarrassing, or when someone close to you has. She felt a deep sense of shame... I was, to my shame, a coward. N-UNCOUNT 2. If someone brings shame on you, they make other people lose their respect for you. I don’t want to bring shame on the family name... = disgrace N-UNCOUNT 3. If something shames you, it causes you to feel shame. Her son’s affair had humiliated and shamed her. VERB: V n 4. If you shame someone into doing something, you force them to do it by making them feel ashamed not to. He would not let neighbours shame him into silence... VERB: V n into/out of n/-ing 5. If you say that something is a shame, you are expressing your regret about it and indicating that you wish it had happened differently. It’s a crying shame that police have to put up with these mindless attacks... N-SING: a N, oft it v-link N that c darkgreen]feelings 6. You can use shame in expressions such as shame on you and shame on him to indicate that someone ought to feel shame for something they have said or done. He tried to deny it. Shame on him! CONVENTION c darkgreen]feelings 7. If someone puts you to shame, they make you feel ashamed because they do something much better than you do. His playing really put me to shame. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the uncomfortable feeling of being guilty and embarrassed that you have when you have done something wrong  (a deep sense of shame | to your shame (=making you feel ashamed))  (She realized to her shame that she had forgotten Nina's birthday. | hang/bow your head in shame (=look downwards and avoid looking at other people because you feel ashamed)) 2 it's a shame (that)/what a shame! spoken used to say that a situation is disappointing, and you wish things had happened differently  (It's a shame you have to leave so soon. | Oh it's raining. What a shame!) 3 Shame on you! spoken used to tell someone that they should feel shame because of something they have done 4 (uncountable only in questions and negatives) the ability to feel shame  (How could you do such a thing? Have you no shame?) 5 put sb/sth to shame informal to be so much better than someone or something else that it makes the other thing seem very bad or ordinary  (His cooking puts mine to shame.) 6 loss of honour and respect  (there is no shame in sth (=it should not make you feel ashamed))  (There's no shame in being poor. | bring shame on sb)  (You've brought shame on this family.)  ( USAGE NOTE: SHAME WORD CHOICE shame, embarrassment, ashamed, feel silly, embarrassed Shame is an uncomfortable feeling you have when you have done something wrong, and you feel that people will no longer respect you. If you make a mistake this may cause embarrassment, but not usually shame because shame is much stronger. Ashamed (adj) is not quite so strong, but still not usually used about unimportant or accidental things I couldn't think of anything to say and felt silly/embarrassed (NOT ashamed). However, someone might be ashamed if they are caught cheating in a test, for example, because they have done something morally wrong.   ) ~2 v 1 shame sb to make someone feel ashamed  (It shames me to say it, but I lied.) 2 shame sb into doing sth to force someone to do something by making them feel ashamed  (His wife shamed him into handing the money back.) 3 to be so much...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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